Blended Implementation of Multilogues in Higher Education

The demands on higher education as a place for academic and professional education and personal growth have changed.

The 9 steps to design blended Multilogue in higher education

Toolkit includes a 9 step process to guide educators interested in the format
through all the important questions

Does my topic fit a Multilogue learning experience?

Multilogues in higher education are designed to engage the participants in real-
world, hands-on experiences.

Do my learning objectives and skills fit a Multilogue learning experience?

As Multilogues are designed to engage students in solving real-world problems or addressing complex challenges, they are more suited to achieve learning objectives from the last three levels,

What are defining parameters and possible restrictions of my learning experience?

When integrating elements of a Multilogue in your higher education course, it is
essential to be aware of a number of course parameters and potential

To what kind of digital infrastructure do I have access?

A checklist is designed to help educators assess the technical and digital infrastructure available in their organisation.

Assess your digital competences and identify areas ffor further development

It makes sense to critically evaluate your own digital competences before embarking on the journey of designing a Multilogue.

Familirise yourself with the Building Blocks of a Multilogues learning experience

The building blocks described here are meant to help educators structure the learning experience.

Design your building blocks by matching methods and tools

The following section presents profiles of 20 teaching methods you can use to design your learning experience while matching them to one or several of the objectives of the archetypal multilogue building blocks.

Think about a code of conduct for the Multilogue

The whole idea of a multilogue learning experience hinges on the respectful and
inclusive exchange of perspectives amongst a diverse group of participants.

Think about ways to gather feedback from participants

Finally, before beginning your learning experience you will need to think about
ways to make sure that participants are able to give feedback and that the format
receives a proper evaluation.

Enhancing Transformation and Innovation in Higher Education